Latest release

Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me

A new 3 track E.P from Bad Girlz;

Artist: Bad Girlz
Music style: Bass
Audiotrix - May 2019

Audiotrix Releases

Ode to the Road

Ode to the Road

Ixindamix, The Reverend Schnider

Whilst on a recent visit to the city of Marseille, travelling preacher man, The Reverend Schnider was sucked into one of the city's infamous vortexes.
When the preacher was finally regurgitated babbling incoherently at the Audiotrix HQ, Head-honcho and techno legend "Ixindamix" soon realised there was only one cure.
With this a microphone was placed into his trembling hands and a new musical adventure began.....

Dictionary Definitions :

Ode to the Road
(1.) An Anthemic, nostalgic tale of kinship for those connected to or dis-connected from the long and winding road...
Three Men in a Van
(1.) a classic tale of modern man's struggle for identity in a confusing Post-Convoy landscape.
(2.) An inevitable set of consequences that are unleashed when more than two men partake in any form of motorised transport.
Revved Up
(1.)Hyperactivity caused by excitement or anticipation
(2.)State of being caused by substance use (usually stimulants, such as cocaine, crack or amphetamines) some common characterstics include: rapid and constant speech, jitteriness, eagerness, extreme emotions (almost always anger, excitement, happiness, or confusion), recklessness, and spontaneous actions of an unpredictable nature.

Additional drumming on Revved Up by Bagz
Artwork by Jak M.C.S Custom Art Graphics -

Music style: Drum n Bass

Audiotrix - February 2016

Track list

Promo mix available HERE

Release available also on Beatport and Juno DL